Well friends, “pay what you can” is over. For now. I may be able to run that special again in the future, but NOT TO WORRY! Until further notice, all my sessions will be offered at the deeply discounted rate of $36 per session for any issue.  This special won’t last either, but it’s here for now. šŸ˜‰

Below are my normal rates.

ā€¢ 60 min Hypnosis Session: $135

ā€¢ Stop Smoking Package (2 sessions): $185

ā€¢ Weight Loss Package (4-5 sessions): $325

ā€¢ Pre-paid Hypnosis Sessions (other issues): $315 for 3 sessions or $480 for 5 sessions

If you can afford my normal rates, or any amount above $36, PLEASE chip in more! I am committed to doing amazing things for all who want it and need it right now, REGARDLESS OF ABILITY TO PAY.  You can help me do that.

I know that there are many things competing for you attention and your money, and I really appreciate your time and your funds. I work hard every day to support my family and my community. In order to continue doing so, I need your support. I offer a variety of ways for you to support my work, from direct contributions, to prepaid sessions (and coming soon, cool merchandise)ā€”and every little bit helps. Thank you.

Does “Pay What You Can” Mean Free?

Well, that depends. Free for you? Potentially. Free for me? If only!

The truth is that it costs me real money to pay for my continuing education, give my time to a hypnosis session (forgoing other income during that time), promote my business, and maintain my website and Calendly account and Zoom account and PayPal, etc. There are associated expenses. That will never change, pandemic or not.

I know Iā€™m blessed to even have the option of offering ā€œpay what you canā€ sessions, and if you cannot afford to pay anything, I am truly ok with that. (Although research shows that a token gesture toward payment of some amount is important for psychological commitment.)

I put a lot of thought into ways that I might offer a couple of sessions a month at a highly subsidized rate. And then the pandemic hit, pushing all my sessions to the Zoom platform, enabling me to offer sessions at a lower cost than would ever be possible in person. Thereā€™s no fat-cat management team or admin staff, so every penny goes directly from you to fund these sessions. So if you would like to offer financial supportā€”whatever amount you can affordā€”it would really help people directly access the help they need to support them in changing their lives.

When you support Stress Less Hypnosis, I work to help those who want to change their lives. People who have anxiety, stress, low self-esteem, or fear and who deserve the peace of mind that hypnosis would bring, but who simply cannot afford it. Basically, Iā€™m crowdfunding my business at this point, opening the door to clients who never would have been able to see me for financial reasons.

Itā€™s a big experiment, and so far, ITā€™S WORKING!