The Computer Brain Myth

There is NO conclusive proof that “brain fitness” computer games protect your memory. If you want activities PROVEN to help protect memory, concentration, and thinking ability, do crossword puzzles, learn a language, play board games, and engage in regular exercise. If you want to add a NEW activity to these tried-and-true ones, try hypnosis. It’s safe, fun, and much more relaxing than Minecraft! It’s like a mental massage.

Lose weight, manage stress, get out of debt? What are your New Year’s Resolutions?

It’s that time of year again – time for making your New Year’s Resolutions.

It’s a tradition everyone talks about, but few people actually accomplish.

Searching the Internet, I found the usual promises topped most people’s lists: lose weight, volunteer, quit smoking, get a better job, save money, eat healthy and get fit, manage stress, manage debt, take a trip; recycle more and drink less.

It is easy to make resolutions. Lots of people love to list the ways they are going to change the world and change themselves as the clock strikes midnight. Whatever your New Year’s Resolutions are, hypnosis can help you be successful with them. Most people are not successful with their New Years Resolution because they are trying to change a habit without changing their beliefs and getting to the core issue of why they were behaving that way to begin with. Many people are successful with their New Years Resolutions with willpower alone for only days or weeks, but do not create permanent change. Hypnosis can change that success rate for your New Years Resolution dramatically by reaching the subconscious mind and making permanent positive change in your life.

The New Year is a time of reflection and a chance to put things into perspective.What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2015? Do you have them, and better yet, do you keep them? Let hypnosis help you make your New Year’s Resolutions into permanent positive change.