
What Is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a time-tested technique for improving one’s life. A certified hypnotist uses relaxation and focus exercises to help you enter a hypnotic state. In this state, you are incredibly aware while also being extremely relaxed. You are more receptive to thoughts and suggestions while you are in this mindset.

Suppose you want to quit smoking, for example, or overcome a fear of public speaking. A hypnosis session is like planting a seed in your mind. Later, as you go about your day-to-day activities, this “idea seed” continues to grow, giving you the inner drive you need to reach your goal!

When you are in a hypnotic state, your body is relaxed, and your mind is fully awake. This combination is ideal for cementing ideas such as, “I will lose weight” or “I will free myself from the fear that’s holding me back.” Under hypnosis, you are more receptive to the power of suggestion. You will never do anything that you genuinely do not wish to do. But you’ll be able to overcome the emotional and mental barriers that keep you from living your life to the fullest.

Benefits to You

Many of my clients have noted that with hypnosis, issues they’ve dealt with for many years—sometimes, most of their lives—are finally resolved. Some benefits you may enjoy include:

  • improved quality of life
  • release from long-held emotional or mental blocks
  • greater relaxation and peace of mind
  • living to your full potential
  • alleviation of physical symptoms
  • higher self-esteem, confidence, self-worth, and a sense of purpose
  • freedom from addictions and debilitating habits
  • the power to change your life for the better
  • noticeable results in personal growth and self-improvement
  • adopting a can-do attitude!

My Philosophy

Foremost, I believe in doing no harm. I work under the premise that you are the healer, and answers are found within you. My role is to employ safe, effective techniques to bring these answers to the surface.

My Approach

I believe in a customized approach that treats each client according to their needs. That’s why I’ll gather relevant information about your health and life history during your consultation session. Once the consultation is complete, we can begin with a method that is best suited for your case. I continuously evaluate as we go, making necessary changes to maximize the benefits of hypnosis for you.